Enjoy relaxing and renewing massage. Thai massage originates from Thailand. Thai massage is nicknamed “yoga for lazy people”. Enjoy this lotion free massage that’s a mixture of yoga like technique stretching and compressions. Great way to decrease tension and even be energized afterwards. Clients are fully clothed. Please wear loose fitting athletic clothing like Adidas or sweats.
Thai massage is a very holistic practice. With the hands of a skilled Thai massage practitioner, one can experience a sublimely rhythmical workout that balances the body’s need for movement and stretching. Each session provides a relaxed state in which excessive worry and stress seem to evaporate.Utilizing pressing techniques, gentle rocking, and various yoga-like stretches, clients are able to relieve body stiffness, gain flexibility and help improve overall balance in major muscle groups. Massage is able to stimulate energy lines which help promote and balance energy throughout the body. Thai massage interacts directly with the muscular, circulatory and nervous systems to enhance your body’s natural healing ability.
Although Thai Massage offers multiple benefits, it may be contraindicated for some populations, including patients with cancer, who are pregnant and those suffering from back injury, such as a herniated disk. Also, if you are weak and infirmed, Thai massage in unlikely to be the right type of therapy for you.
Rates for this massage:
60 minutes $100.00
90 minutes $150.00
120 minutes $180.00
Facial massage helps promote healthy skin while relaxing your facial muscles. It has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect, helping you look and feel better. Whether you want to use facial massage purely for relaxation or to treat a specific condition, there are plenty of techniques to try.
Intensify the restorative properties of your massage, relieve stress and tension, and rid the body of toxins with the thermotherapeutic effects of our relaxing hot stone massage.
Dynamic Cupping is a massage technique that uses soft silicone cups. The suction, caused by negative air pressure, creates a “drawing” action of the tissues. The lasting results are highly effective at separating tissue layers that may be consistently tight, adhered together, or knotted.
Cosmetically, paraffin wax is often applied to the hands and feet. The wax is a natural emollient, helping make skin supple and soft. When applied to the skin, it adds moisture and continues to boost the moisture levels of the skin after the treatment is complete. It can also help open pores and remove dead skin cells.
Tired feet and legs find relief with our Reviving Foot Scrub Elevation. An all-natural therapeutic scrub provides maximum hydration and exfoliation to the feet, while aromatherapy blends of Lemongrass, Tea Tree Oil, Basil, and Lavender essential oils help Revive the skin..