If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident (MVA), you may have suffered soft tissue injuries to your neck and back. Our qualified and registered massage therapists will perform a thorough assessment of your ailments and set up a treatment plan to suit your specific needs so that you may get back to a healthier, more active, and better quality of life. Please provide some details of your MVA when making your appointment so that we may advise and schedule you accordingly. It combines the scientific application of properly applied pressure, gentle ranges of motion and stretches for the purpose of relieving pain, normalizing muscle tone, restoring postural balance and achieving restorative benefits for the entire body thus eliminating the cause of a person’s acute to chronic myofascial pain and dysfunction. To achieve these goals, many modalities of soft tissue manipulation are utilized.
These modalities require specialized training in post graduate techniques and are best utilized initially by a commitment to a three treatment “plan” to redirect the tissue dysfunction. Most often the client will experience significant changes at this point and will be presented with options for how best to proceed with their individual needs.
Rates for this massage treatment:
30 minutes $75.00
60 minutes $120.00
Our highly trained therapists are skilled in injury rehab and pain relief and offer a wide range of massage modalities with their unique, personal styles and special techniques. Your session will always be customized for your individual needs and lifestyle modifications or follow-up care with other modalities or practitioners. .
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Facial massage helps promote healthy skin while relaxing your facial muscles. It has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect, helping you look and feel better. Whether you want to use facial massage purely for relaxation or to treat a specific condition, there are plenty of techniques to try.
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Dynamic Cupping is a massage technique that uses soft silicone cups. The suction, caused by negative air pressure, creates a “drawing” action of the tissues. The lasting results are highly effective at separating tissue layers that may be consistently tight, adhered together, or knotted.
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