Discover the Power of a Cupping Massage
An amazing healing modality adapted from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that involves suction and negative pressure, rather than tissue compression. Utilizing advanced bodywork techniques such as Myofascial Release and Lymphatic Drainage, massage cupping can instantly release rigid soft tissue; drain excess fluids and toxins; loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue; and bring blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles.Myofascial Release And Trigger Point Work Using Cupping
· When negative pressure Cupping Therapy is combined with range of motion exercises, both Myofascial Release and Trigger Point work can be accomplished. · Myofascial Release involves applying sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Myofascial is comprised of the word "myo" referring to muscle and "fascia", which refers to the collagenous web that surrounds, supports, and connects all of our muscles. · Trigger Point work, also known as Neuromuscular Therapy – helps to alleviate acute and chronic pain conditions, as well as to deactivate "trigger points", which are tight, contracted and hyper-irritable areas in the muscles that refer pain and tingling to other parts of the body. By applying concentrated pressure to release these trigger points, normal muscle movement is restored and the pain spasm cycle is disrupted.· When Cupping Therapy is applied to tight rotator cuff muscles, Myofascial Release is accomplished, stretching the thickened fascia away from the underlying structures, allowing for greater shoulder movement. Cupping Therapy creates a negative pressure suction over the twisted bundles of the Trigger Points, breaking up the adhesions, painlessly and without the discomfort of force. Ask Vincent to integrate this Cupping Therapy during your next massage treatment and get sucked in!
Lymphatic Cupping Massage Improves The Immune System
CUPPING THERAPY ASSISTS IN LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE! · Compared to the tediously slow compression work of Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Cupping Therapy does the opposite.Cupping stretches open the lymphatic vessels, rather than closing them. This action actually increases the movement of lymph locally and systemically with cumulative treatments.· Lymphatic Cupping Massage Improves The Immune System. Increasing Lymphatic output increases the immune systems ability to detoxify the body and respond to stressors put onto it from disease, chemicals, stress and electromagnetic fields.
· Healing After Surgery. Lymphatic cupping massage can greatly benefit pre- and post-operative conditions and helps to speed regeneration of tissues and cells.Post surgery, a person should wait at least 6 weeks before getting a lymphatic cupping session, or until a doctor clears the patient to receive one.
Rates for this massage:
30 minutes $55.00
60 minutes $85.00
90 minutes $120.00
Customized Sessions Our highly trained therapists are skilled in injury rehab and pain relief and offer a wide range of massage modalities with their unique, personal styles and special techniques. Your session will always be customized for your individual needs and lifestyle modifications or follow-up care with other modalities or practitioners. .
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Benefits of Cupping Massage
- Improve blood flow
- Reduce inflammation
- Calm the nervous system
- Stretch muscles and connective tissue
- Provide relaxation
- Optimize athletic performance
- Improve overall wellbeing